- Installing vSphere Client 5.1 fails.
- You see the error:
Failed to install hcmon - The vminst.log file (located in the %TEMP% folder) contains entries similar to:
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Installing hcmon driver
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Copying files, so stopping any pre-existing service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStopService: Could not query service 'hcmon' status: 0x00000003
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLCopyFileToSystemDir: Copying 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVMwareUSBhcmon.sys' to 'C:Windowssystem32drivershcmon.sys'
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLInstallService: Stopping any pre-existing instances of service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStopService: Could not query service 'hcmon' status: 0x00000003
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLInstallService: Service 'hcmon' already exists: 0x00000431
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 XX:VNLInstallService: reconfigured existing service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Installed driver hcmon, now starting
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStartService: Service 'hcmon' could not be started: 0x000000a1
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNL_InstallHcmon: Failed to create service for hcmon driver.
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:ParseCommand: operation: successful
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLSpawn64BitVnetlibTask: Done waiting for process, code 0
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLSpawn64BitVnetlibTask: process was not successful
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Launched 64-bit process, result FALSE
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNL_InstallHcmon: Failed to create service for hcmon driver.
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 ERROR: Failed calling VNL_InstallHcmon()
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 Freeing library: 1669922816
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 ERROR: Failed to install hcmon
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
- Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Asus
- Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 32 Bit
- Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Pro
These following steps will show you how to fix VMware installation problem (The MSI Failed).
Step 1:
When your installing the your VMware product of choice, HCMON is installed as a hardware driver, which is the problem. Windows interprets this as a user adding hardware to the PC and in many environments that is something your operating system security or administrator may not automatically allow. Installing Remote Console client on a system where other VMware applications have been installed might fail with the error Failed to install the HCmon driver. Workaround: Using Task Manager, Services tab, stop the VMUSBArbService, then proceed with installation. رفع ارور Failed to install the hcmon driver هنگام نصب محصولات Vmware در ویندوز اگر در زمان نصب برنامه VMWare Remote Console، با ارور Failed to install the hcmon driver روبرو شده اید، راه حل های ساده این ارور را با هم در این پست خواهیم دید.
1) Go to ‘Temp’ directory, located under user (profile folder) who does the installation/uninstallation in his computer.
or just go to 'win+R' type %TEMP%
2) Make sure none of the VMware installation or uninstallation process is running. Select and Delete all vmware files and folders in this location.
3) Restart the computer: 'win+R' type shutdown -r -t 0
Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Asus
Step 2:
After restarting the computer open command prompt and run the following commands.
'win+R' type
.Switch to admin:
runas /user:(username) cmd
enter password to run cmd as admin.Change directory where you have VMware setup:
cd d:vmware
Then lunch installation:
VMware-workstation.exe /x /v EULAS_AGREED=1
, you should add/v EULAS_AGREED=1
to enable licence agreement.Wait for a while and click next then modify...
Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 32 Bit
enjoy the installation
Vmware Remote Console Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 Pro
(!) please comment below for any clarifications